Kupu whakataki
Nō Moana New Zealand te whiwhi i ōna hononga pakari ki ngā iwi, ngā kiritaki, ngā kairato hua, ngā kaihiika me ētahi atu rōpū. He mea hanga aua hononga i runga i ngā hua i puta hei painga mō te iwi Māori katoa. He whakahirahira hoki aua hononga ki a mātou kia eke ai ngā mahi tauhoko ki te taumata.
Mihi ai, pōhiri ai mātou i ngā whakauru hou i te ao pūtaiao, i te ao mātauranga, otirā rātou e hāngai nei ā rātou mahi ki tā mātou rautaki toitūranga ora, ki tō mātou tūranga hoki hei kaitiaki o te kaimoana, o ngā rawa kai ora hoki.
I te tau pūtea nei, ko te kōura te whakaihuwaka. I te wāhanga nei, ka whakapuaki mātou i ngā whakaaro o te Tumuaki o Port Nicholson Fisheries, o Grant Absalom, e kōrero ana mō te kaha o ngā tukunga kōura a te iwi Māori ki te ao whānui.
Kua tekau tau te Whakaurunga ā-Iwi e haere ana, te whakahaere nei i ngā mahinga tauhoko roroa i te taha o ngā iwi mā mātou, ā, e tupu ana tōna mana. I konei, ka arotake mātou i ngā akoranga me ngā painga o ngā tau tekau tuatahi, me te āhua o ngā tau tekau e tū mai nei.
He tau tōnui tēnei tau mō Sealord. I konei, ka pānui koe mō tāna tautoko i tētahi whare kano ārai mate mā roto i tētahi rōpū ahurea Māori. E mahi tahi hoki ana ki tētahi iwi kia whai mahi ai ētahi atu uri Māori.
Te tautoko i ngā iwi ki ngā rohe i te wā o te Kōwheori-19
Hei urupare ki te mate urutā i te ao, kua piri tahi ngā rōpū Māori hei tautoko i ngā whānau, arā mā te tukutuku ika.
Manaaki ai a Ngāti Ranginui Fisheries i ō rātou uri mā ngā whakaaetanga haonga tuku iho, he mea hao nā RMD Marine, ka mahia ki roto o Bay Packers, ā, ka tohatoha e Ngāti Ranginui Fisheries.
I te tau 2018, ka hokona tahitia a Bay Packers e Moana New Zealand i te taha o Te Arawa Fisheries, Ngā Rauru, Ngāti Tuwharetoa Fisheries me Ngāti Ranginui Fisheries.
He pakihi tuku rawa a Bay Packers e arotahi ana ki te tuna moana, ā, kei Tauranga e tau ana.
Ko te waimārie o Moana New Zealand ko tōna kāhui kaha o ngā rōpū Māori e mahi tahi ai mātou, ā, e whai hea ai rātou i Moana New Zealand.
Charlie Rahiri – Ngāti Ranginui, Ngāi Te Rangi, Ngāti Paoa
Our iwi response to Covid has been a deliberate one. We learnt a lot of lessons from lockdown in 2020. So with that, we developed an Iwi Response Plan which meant that the entities of Ngāti Ranginui iwi would work together.
Through this lockdown our fisheries trust and Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Ranginui have worked to enable the access of customary fish and Pataka fish for our people.
The lockdowns have a negative effect on many of our whānau. We also know that we have proximity and reach through our hapū, through our marae to these people. A lot of our people aren’t on the social service radar. A lot of our people aren’t the usual people who would access kai (food) support and are often whakamā (shy).
So in doing this mahi, we wanted to shift our thinking away from a chartable model of support, more to a dignified model of support in terms of ‘this is your right as a member of our iwi, this is your right as a member of your hapū and of your marae’.
I guess we’re fortunate to have Bay Packers as a commercial entity and a company. It’s a partnership between five partners. There’s Ngāti Ranginui Fisheries, Te Arawa Fisheries, Tūwharetoa, Ngā Rauru and Moana.
We’re distributing filleted fish, we’re distributing fish bones which a lot of our people like in fish heads when we can. We know that when we’re delivering to our whanau we’re only scratching the surface but we put it out as wide as we can for our whānau to come.
In terms of kai distribution, the Iwi Response Plan is to be the centralised hub and then straight out to our hapū.
E ai ki tētahi o ngā kaipupuri o RMD Marine, te tangata o Margaret Phillippa, ki a Dan Rawlinson, “He tokomaha ngā tāngata e piko nei te tuarā, nā reira mātou i tuku kau atu ai i ētahi. Ko te tūmanako nei ka menemene ngā pāpāringa, ka kī hoki ngā puku.”
Nō Ngāti Awa te whānau Rawlinson. Ko ngā kaimahi RMD o ia rā ko ngā tama tokotoru, tō rātou Whaea, ngā hoa rangatira, me ngā tamariki hoki.
Nā te mātāmua, nā te tangata o Santy Maria, arā nā Roger i tuku ika ki ngā iwi o Te Tai Tokerau.
“I tautoko mātou i ngā hāpu o te rohe, ā, he mea nui rawa ki a mātou, arā he kaipupurihea nō rātou o Moana New Zealand, koirā hoki tētahi kamupene e hiika ai ahau māna. Hei kaihiika Māori, he pai rawa mōku. E rikarika ana te ngākau ki te āwhina i a Moana me ōna kaipupurihea.”
Kāore ō Moana New Zealand ake waka hao ika, engari kē ia ka whakarite kirimana mō te tāruru o te kamupene a tētahi whānau, ko taua whānau anō ngā kaimahi ō runga, e rite tahi nei ngā mātāpono ki ōna.
Play Video“Whakautu ai mātou i ngā kaumoana, kia rite anō ki ētahi atu, ā, tūturu e hokihoki ana ngā utu ki a mātou ko te whānau, engari he nui atu ngā painga i ngā utu he mōhio nō mātou he tokorahi ngā tāngata e āwhinatia ana e mātou. Koirā te mea nui ki ahau,” hei tā Roger.
I tautoko hoki a Moana New Zealand i tētahi kāhui rōpū Māori kāore-mō-te-pūtea, arā ko One Whānau at a Time, ko Food Rescue, ko Ngāti Hine Toa a Muriwai Māori Women’s Welfare League nāna nei i tautoko ngā kuia, ngā kaumātua huri noa i Te Tai Tokerau, arā ki te kai maoa.
E ai ki te kaiwhakatū ōna, ki a Hone Martin: “Nō te rua wiki i hoatu ai mātou i tētahi kai. Te taenga mai o tā Moana koha ka mīharo katoa ahau.
E ai ki te Kaiwhakahaere Matua o Inshore mō Moana New Zealand, ki a Mark Ngata: “He kaimahi matua mātou, he hōnore nui te mahi ahakoa te pikinga o ngā taumata ohiti, me te tuku kaimoana anō ki ngā whānau i roto i ngā rohe.
“Ka taea tēnei mā roto i te mahi anake o ō mātou kaihika me ō rātou whānau. E āhei ana mātou ki te tuku kai ki ngā mākete o tai, o uta, tae rawa atu ki ō tātou marae. Ka koa te ngākau i ngā mahinga tahi ki ētahi atu hinonga e pukumahi ana i roto i ngā hapori, e āwhina ana i ō tātou tāngata.”
Roger Rawlinson, RMD Marine Owner – Ngāti Awa
Dan Rawlinson, RMD Marine Owner – Ngāti Awa
Quanah Curreen – One Whānau at a Time Chef
Roger: Today I’m fishing customary permits to a couple of the local hapū and the catch is snapper and kingfish. We like to support the local hapū around the area, it’s especially significant because they are also shareholders of Moana New Zealand. As a māori fisher, it’s a perfect fit for me.
Dan: We’ve got 500kgs of ika (fish) going to a local iwi in the Bay of Plenty here. Something little that we can do as a fisher family. There are people out there struggling.
Roger: There is a big need and it’s welcomed this fish. There are a lot of people really happy to receive it.
Quanah: With the fish that we got from Moana, we’ve been handing it out to marae, to whānau in need. That one tonne that Moana gave us of fresh snapper today, which is incredible, already that fish is processed and going back out to whānau that need it.
Roger: I get a really uplifting feeling when this fish goes to the needy and hungry kids. I know that fish has gone to a good home. I’ve caught it, now they’re eating it and they’re happy. It makes me happy that it’s going to a good place.
E nui atu ai te uara nama ki te mākete kōura
I ngā tau 2015-16, i pānui rā mātou i tā mātou hinonga mahinga tahi ki Port Nicholson Fisheries, arā nā Moana te 60 ōrau te uara o taua mahinga tahi.
Me te aha he nui te mana o te iwi Māori ki te tuku i te kōura ora ki waho ki te ao whānui, i runga i te whakaaro hou nei kia nui atu ai te uara nama ki te mākete.
E ai ki te Tumuaki o Port Nicholson Fisheries, ki a Grant Absalom, ko tēnei tauira o te whakaurunga tētahi o ngā mea angitu rawa puta noa i Aotearoa.
Ko te take nui kē, hei tāna ka whakaaturia ki ngā iwi e taea ana e ngā iwi te mahi tahi.
“Mai anō i te tau 2015, kua eke mai ētahi atu iwi ki runga i te waka, me te aha kei roto mātou i te mākete i te ao, i te pō. Ināianei, he māngai ō mātou puta i te Ika Tapu a Māui katoa, tae atu ki te Tauihu o te Waka, ā, ki te Rēkohu hoki.
“Waihoki kei roto i ā mātou haonga ko ētahi momo ika kei ngā pae kounga katoa, mai i ngā paerua tae rawa ki te F, me te aha ka hora i a mātou te kai nei i te roanga ake o te tau.
“He pai atu ā mātou mōhiotanga, tā mātou uara nama hoki, he mōhio nō ngā kaitohatoha matua i Haina e āhei ana mātou ki te tukutuku tonu atu i ngā hua. He mea nui tērā, ko Haina hoki tō mātou mākete nui rawa,” hei tāna.
![Moana Lobster Product Wellington](/2021/images/our-partnerships/Moana_Lobster_Product_Wellington_5935-min.jpg)
“Koirā mātou i kopou ai i tētahi kaiwhakahaere whanaketanga pakihi ā-ao e matatau ana ki te reo Mandarin, e wero ana hoki i a mātou. Mātua rā ko te mōhio ki te mākete o Haina, me te āta tirotiro i te ratonga kai, i te tauhokonga wharekai anō hoki ki te kimi tomokanga mā mātou.”
Ka whakaaturia te pae tawhiti tahi nei mō te āpōpōtanga o Moana me Port Nicholson e te waitohutanga o te whakaurunga mahinga tahi, e te whakaekenga mai o ngā iwi katoa i te takanga o te wā, e te ahunga tūpato hoki mō te tiaki mahinga ika, mō ngā rāngai kōura ora anō hoki.
E hāngai ana tēnei hanga ki ngā tikanga whakahaere, ā, te mārama hoki ki ngā huarahi pai ki te mahi tahi, he whai wāhi nō te iwi Māori ki ngā mahinga ika tauhoko i te ao, i te pō.
Ko te tohu o tērā āhuatanga ko te ārahitanga atamai, ko ngā whakatau atamai e pā ana ki te whakamahinga tahitanga o ngā rauemi me ngā hanganga o te wā nei.
Kei runga o te Rēkohu ko tō Port Nicholson taupuni ki Owenga, me tō Moana New Zealand taupuni ki Waitangi.
Kāore aua rōpū e rua e hāneanea i te tukunga kautanga atu o ngā tāruke huri noa i Aotearoa, me te kore noa e takoha atu i te aha. Kua āta whakaarohia tērā āhuatanga i roto i te horopaki o te mahinga tahi, arā mā te whakatairangatanga hapori.
“Ka tuku pūtea mātou mō te hōpua kaukau o te kura, me te hari atu i te kaiako hoki mā runga rererangi, māna ngā tamariki hei ako ki te kaukau,” hei tā Absalom.
“Ka tautoko ā-pūtea mātou i te hutupōro, te netipōro, me te whakataetae hiika. Kei te whakahaere hoki mātou i tētahi hōtaka aukati mate whakamomori ki te Rēkohu.”
Inā rā ko te iwi kē tērā te kōkiri nei i te tupuranga o tā mātou whakaurunga mahinga tahi ki Port Nicholson Fisheries.
E ai ki a Absalom he nui tonu te tautoko a ngā kaimahi o Moana i āna kaimahi, ā, e taea ana taua āhuatanga te whakawhānui.
![Grant Absalom, Tumuaki, Port Nicholson Fisheries e pā ana ki te mahi tahi ki ngā kaimahi o Moana New Zealand](/2021/images/people/grant-absalom-2x-min.png)
“I whai wāhi mātou ki Prepared Foods i roto o te Papaioea. Kei tō mātou wheketere ko ngā pāua a Moana, ā, me ka raruraru rātou ka āwhina atu mātou. Ki te raruraru mātou, ka āwhina mai rātou.
“E mau tonu ana te tauira, engari kua pakari atu ngā mahinga tahi i waenga i ngā hinonga e rua nei.
“He pai te uara.”
Ngā Akoranga o ēnei Tau Tekau
I te tau nei kua eke ki tētahi pie nunui, arā te ngahurutanga tau e mahi tahi ana a Moana New Zealand me te Whakaurunga ā-Iwi (WAI).
Ka whakakotahi te WAI i ngā iwi kia whakapakaritia tahitia ai ngā pānga hiika tauhoko, i runga i te kaitiakitanga me ngā tikanga Māori.
Ka hoki ngā whakaaro o te Tumuaki, o Maru Samuels, ki ngā akoranga me ngā painga o te ngahurutanga tau tuatahi.
“He mahi taumaha te hiika tauhoko ki uta. Nā tā tātou tauira mahinga tahi i mārama ai mātou ki aua taumahatanga, ā, nāna hoki i hōhonu ai tō mātou mōhio ki te pakihi o Moana.”
He 1.5 mano tāna o te ika, te pāua, me te roherohenga tānukunuku hoki e mahia ana e te ICP, me te aha he nui te hua ki a Moana me ngā iwi pupurihea whānui hoki.
![ICP Christmas Function, Tāupo 2020](/2021/images/our-partnerships/1176-x-662-ICP-replacement-min.jpg)
ICP Christmas Function, Tāupo 2020
Kia pau te ngahurutanga tau, ka arotakea ai e aua rōpū te rerenga mai o ngā hua – hei arotake i ngā āhuatanga huhua katoa e tāpiri painga ana ki tua noa atu i te tāra, i te hērengi.
“He nui noa atu ngā mahi kia pai atu ai te hīkina o ngā mānuka e tuputupu ana ki te ikawhaitira ō-uta. E rangahau ana te ICP i te wāhi ki ngā tikanga, ki te mātauranga hoki hei āwhina atu.”
Kua whanake ngā iwi i roto i te ngahurutanga tau nei, ā, kua whanake hoki ngā matea, ngā wawata o ētahi o rātou, tae rawa atu ki ngā āheinga ki ngā rohe.
![Maru Samuels, Tumuaki, ICP](/2021/images/people/maru-samuels-2x-min.png)
Ko te whānau te take
He hōnore hoki te taki i te kōrero nei nā tētahi whānau nō Ngāti Kahungunu ki Wairarapa.
Mā rātou e whakamārama mai te whakahirahira ki a rātou o te mahinga tahitanga ki a Moāna New Zealand. Ko te whānau te take.
Sue Taylor —
Ngāti Kahungunu ki Wairarapa / Raukawa ki te Tonga
Peter Sue —
Ngāti Kahungunu ki Wairarapa
Sue: Pāua harvesting has been really a blessing for us. It's helped us meet some of our aspirations and having that relationship with Moana New Zealand and prior to that with Ocean Ranch has certinaly contributed to that.
Peter: Who taught me to dive, was my Uncle Matt. I would be at his side when I was seven, eight, ten. I can remember diving when I was eleven and remember doing a bit of commerical diving when I was 15. You get out there and do the serious stuff and it is serious stuff. It’s not easy work, it’s hard hard work.
Sue: I think our commenaility with Moana New Zealand is that it’s about whānau, they are a whānau.
Our focus for the past 20 years has been on getting the marae up but one of the hurdles has been ‘how are we going to raise funds to build our marae’. Because we’ve got a fishing background, becasuse we’ve been dealing with pāua for a number of years, we thought why don’t we actually expand into a business of pāua harvesting.
Peter: Moana has been one of the biggest contributors. We’re using Moana as a vessel because we can springboard off our marae, once our marae is up.
Sue: Not only will Mutu Wairaka be there to do commerical so that we can sustain and have economic development, but paramount to that is our cultural home. Our marae will feature pāua in it because that’s basically what it was built on, through havesting pāua. This is about whānau, we’re not making money for ourselves and I think its the same as Moana, there is money to be made but actually it’s for māori and that’s the sort of business they’re into. Building an economic base to continue so that māori have a stake in fisheries.